Our second trip was to Cape Lookout State Park, in Tillamook County, Oregon, on Labor Day weekend. Once again, I was able to score a great spot by showing up a day late - we camped overnight on Labor Day, September 6th. We had spot D01 and it cost $29.
One of the memorable parts of the trip was prior to getting to our campsite. It was a beautiful day - as only September in the Pacific Northwest can be - and so we got to the park early. Note for future, at the state parks, you're never going to get your site earlier than say 2pm. So we went to the main parking lot, found a shady, semi-quiet spot. It was, after all, Labor Day. We heard some interesting hip hop music, maybe French? And since we had the windows uncovered and the side door open for the breeze, we could hear the music easily.
The music was coming from a black van parked catty-corner from us - across, thankfully a large part of the lot. As we watched, the man strung a banner from one side of his van to the other. We saw a circular logo of some sort and big words emblazoned: "No Machine Cops." Soon he had a folding chair set up by the van next to a Black Lives Matter sign. Anyone who strayed within 50 feet was handed a flyer, and at one point he ranged around the parking lot handing literature to families unloading their cars and vans.

Soon enough we were able to leave the parking lot and go to our spot: D01. I would not recommend it. On the map it looked great, and while it does not have a close neighbor on the one side, you have a main thoroughfare on the other!
I was just happy to be settled and able to break in my little electric skillet. First dish: bean dip.

As before, I hadn't taken the day off so after beans and beer and walks on the beach......

..... we were up at 4:30 for coffee before starting the work day.